February 6, 2025





It is easy to get distracted in daily things. Everybody has 24 hours in a day, but somehow some days I do not feel productive when I look at what I accomplished. Often, I compromise my goal for a better life for ordinary tasks in my home or at work. It just is easier to do house chores that you are familiar with such as dusting or doing the laundry. Tackling new projects can be daunting and take a lot of your time. However, if you continuously keep prioritizing the wrong tasks, you will not learn and grow as a human. For that reason, if you aim to make life better you need to focus on the things that will bring you closer to your goals.

Sometimes, it seems that you only encounter difficulties and everything goes wrong. These feelings can influence your focus because of the negative attention you give to these matters. When you focus on problems, you have more, when you focus on possibilities, you have more opportunities. Shifting your feelings and thoughts can have a big impact on the outcome of your actions.  If want to attract friends be friendly, if you want help be helpful first, and if you want respect do respect yourself.

Focus on a result that you want to happen and your will create the right mindset for the journey towards the achievement. However, focus on its own is not enough usually to reach the goal you set. If you want to study to become a nurse or teacher, you also need concentration, discipline and perseverance to assist you in overcoming distractions that are bound to happen. Just one little thing repeated over time has a compounded effect on the final result. That works both ways. Thus focus on good things and good things will happen!

One last point for achieving your goals is to realize that focus looks ahead for something to happen in the future. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” 
― Mother Teresa.




A new Year, a new YOU. Focus , believe and you will achieve!

What  are your plans for the new year?




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