February 6, 2025

Take the Challenge and kick-start 2015

Today, I had the chance to listen to a short 30 minutes webinar while on my lunch break. I like to be productive and learn something while I eat my healthy salad.

In my last post I mentioned that there are many resources on the internet now at the beginning of the year that can help with establishing new habits or achieving goals. I actually found two excellent programs that I think will give me a kick-start for 2015.


Darren Hardy Daily Mentoring

Since Monday I’m participating in the 30 days of Daily Mentoring by Success Magazine publisher Darren Hardy. Every day you receive an email early morning with a short video that explains the next step in the process to conquer your dreams. You then get a few action steps that you can do in just a few minutes. It gets you thinking about the issues that are preventing you to go after your dreams and living a life that is not mediocre.

Darren Hardy is great in breaking things down in smaller chunks, so by doing every day something small you can change your mindset. It also allows you to continue the momentum of starting the day with something that helps you develop in the person you want to become. Many coaches and teachers believe that in a period of 30 days a bad habit can be broken and more beneficial routines can be incorporated in a lifestyle. Don’t think that it is too late now to start! You still can catch up on the first five steps when you register at www.darrendaily.com tonight. You receive his next email for step 6 tomorrow, on Monday 01/12/2015.




Another program that can be very beneficial for anyone who is in sales or has to reach a quota is called “Go-for-NO”. If you need leads or clients to purchase what you sell or to become a business partner, then this 7-day challenge might be the right thing for you.  Andrea Waltz explains why you should embrace hearing “NO” more often, and be less sensitive to the outcome of your offer of services or products to any person.

We are all conditioned in our thinking and feeling that “NO” is not good and is seen as a failure. However, in order to get more positive results you need to talk to more people. Take a 7 day period (or a 30 day Period) and set your targets for each day and “Go-for-NO”. Andrea is coaching this 7-day challenge that started on Thursday, 01/08/2015.

I must admit, I have been doing other things for my business and will start on Monday 01/12/2015. NO more Excuses!

Go For No!

I hope this information helps you to find a way to improve your business and whatever it is that you want to achieve. Let me know if you liked my post in a comment below.


2015 has just started. As so many of us, I use the beginning of the New Year to make resolutions and to set goals. Somehow, it seems easier to make the decision to change at this time of the year, because the New Year is like a new book with no pages written yet. However, time does not wait for us to take action. Time is one of the few things that we cannot get back.

Even when we know what we want to change, we will need to make it happen. Results will not happen overnight and it often takes considerable effort to achieve a goal. Sometimes, we might not know how to get there, sometimes it seems too complicated, and other times we have fear of rejection or failure that stops us from getting started.


Some suggestions on how to get help:

–        Search for specific programs on line that offer guidance on topics such as how to “change a habit in 30 days”.

–        Look for coaches that have blogs for what you want to change and see if they offer a free 30 minute consultation.

–        Talk to people in your industry by checking contributions on LinkedIn in related groups or forums.

–        Find a mentor that can guide you and hold you accountable.


Depending on what the goal is, sometimes we need someone to help us to get you to the next level. We can know what we need to do, we can have all the tools and we are open to learning from the best. However, all this does not make us successful if we lack discipline or have fear of failure issues.

I belong to this group of people that want to move-up and “hope” that this time it is the right person, this time it will happen.  But I must admit, that there are too many distractions that I use as excuse for not getting the results I want.


Today, I just throw it out there. I need a mentor! Somebody that I can rely on to keep me focused and accountable.


What does a good mentor do?

–        He/she has knowledge on the topic and is willing to share the expertise

–        He/she is committed to helping the mentee and will set aside time to talk

–        He/she has an open mind and is a good listener that will give advice that makes sense

–        He/she offers tactful and constructive feedback on performance and tells the truth no matter how tough.

–        He/she is an avid learner on new developments in the industry and displays curiosity for trends.

–        He/she is a positive role model, showing sincerity in all activities that can influence his/her surroundings.

–        Keep the relationship “formal” so both parties know what to expect and for what amount of time.


My goal for 2015 is to find a Mentor.

Preferable a person in Network Marketing that  has time available on a weekly basis and can commit to provide strategic, personal and motivational support.  Maybe he/she wants to get a rave testimony on leadership skills?

Do you have a mentor? How did you get started and what is the one thing that made it successful for both parties?

If you got value from this post or want to comment on my questions, I would love to hear from you.

Last Day of Training at Top Earner Academy Live

As you might have noticed, it took me quite some time to have those 3 videos from the event posted to my blog. My “few” technical skills got in the way since the original videos were filmed in portrait format or sideways. Tried to convert them permanently, but luckily, I found out that it is easy to rotate the video by 90 degree once it is uploaded in YouTube. Had to search the internet for quite some time to find this golden nugget on video postings.

On the last day of this 3-day training we hear a lot about having the right mindset. Indeed, for many people that start in Network Marketing in a traditional direct sales company or in an internet business, it is quite common being discouraged by no-sayers, by disappearing team members or by difficulties finding leads. To get over these hurdles requires courage and determination to succeed.

Lisa Grossman, top-producing Multi-Level Marketing distributor shared some excellent Golden Nuggets on mindset with us:

–        Network marketing is about building a culture, building a community

–        It is not about you, it is about them. The relationship is what matters.

–        Become the person you want to recruit.

–        The better you are in paying it forward, the more successful you become.

–        Our job is to inspire people!

As a Network Marketer you can have a big impact on other people’s lives. You can inspire people to create their own dream lifestyle by joining your team. The only two things that will prevent you to reach your potential are your ego and money beliefs. As Ray Higdon taught us: You are worthy, but you gotta want it!

Of course, I’m practiced speaking off the cuff and made a short testimonial video about the last day of the event.


My conclusion: This was a well-rounded training on diverse subjects related to the industry of Network Marketing. Anyone just starting, or who is struggling, like I did, will hear different perspectives and learn some great tools that can be implemented right away.

I hope you got value out of my daily videos. Feel free to comment below.

Live Life in Abundance!

Day 2 at Top Earner Academy Live event in Orlando – 06/13/2014

So glad I came to this event! My head is spinning with all the great information today. Need to write down action steps for when I get back home.

Your blog can be a passive lead generator if you use it effectively. By posting frequently you will generate followers. Especially if you talk about issues that help people and make them curious about you and your next post. Creating value is the keyword! Ray Higdon shared some simple blogging steps today.

You need to be able to express the concept of your post’s topic in a short description. His suggestion is to use Google Keyword Planner a great tool that can help in choosing the right words for your subject. So far, I always put tags under each posts, but it did not bring a lot of visitors yet to this blog.

Ray‘s next tip is to include a video in which you share some things about the main point(s) of your topic. He has a great blog and posts videos almost every day on subjects that inspire, teach or recommend someone. If you are curious about him and how he helps other network marketers, or if you want to get more tips on blogging, check him out. Ray Higdon on Make Money Blogging

I made the below video outside the beautiful JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes hotel in Orlando, Florida. It is a short video about Day 2 of this powerful event.

I’m excited about all the things I’m learning. Let me know when you like my post or video.



My Take Away Of The First Day At TOP EARNER ACADEMY In Orlando, Florida – 06/12/2014

Since I started in Network Marketing for my current business, I have listened to several great business people that were successful in the home business, direct sales or network marketing business. To be successful in this industry you need the right mindset, a go-getter mentality and the drive to do whatever it takes. Discipline, perseverance and being coachable are three characteristics that will influence your success.  In order to grow and become the personality that you want to become so you attract the right people I do listen to audio tapes of people like Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn or Professor Paul Zane Pilzer.

When I was searching on the internet for creative ways to find new leads I came across Ray Higdon. He is well known in the industry and inspires hundreds of people to believe in themselves and create the life they want. He has a daily email tip on anything to do with having your own network marketing business. He frequently has free webinars and always over-delivers in content and value.

In June he and his wife Jessica organized a three day seminar I Orlando that featured excellent training by both, but also from other top-notch experts like Cesar Rodriguez and Vince Reed.

During the seminar he talked about how to use video’s to attract people to your website and he encouraged us to make a short video each day.

Using my cell phone I made this video:

If you like it please leave a comment below.

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