Since I started in Network Marketing for my current business, I have listened to several great business people that were successful in the home business, direct sales or network marketing business. To be successful in this industry you need the right mindset, a go-getter mentality and the drive to do whatever it takes. Discipline, perseverance and being coachable are three characteristics that will influence your success. In order to grow and become the personality that you want to become so you attract the right people I do listen to audio tapes of people like Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn or Professor Paul Zane Pilzer.
When I was searching on the internet for creative ways to find new leads I came across Ray Higdon. He is well known in the industry and inspires hundreds of people to believe in themselves and create the life they want. He has a daily email tip on anything to do with having your own network marketing business. He frequently has free webinars and always over-delivers in content and value.
In June he and his wife Jessica organized a three day seminar I Orlando that featured excellent training by both, but also from other top-notch experts like Cesar Rodriguez and Vince Reed.
During the seminar he talked about how to use video’s to attract people to your website and he encouraged us to make a short video each day.
Using my cell phone I made this video:
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